President Damphousse announces TXST Debate Planning Task Force members

Texas State University | November 27, 2023

On the heels of Texas State University being selected as the site of the Sept. 16, 2024, presidential debate, President Kelly Damphousse has announced the members of the TXST Debate Planning Task Force.

Members of the task force include:

  • Beth Wuest, chair, associate vice president, Institutional Effectiveness
  • Cristine Black, associate vice president, Building, Financial Planning and Analysis
  • Matthew Carmichael, director, University Police Department
  • Matt Hall, vice president, Information Technology
  • Cynthia Hernandez, vice president, Student Success
  • Brooks Hull, vice president, University Advancement
  • Lisa Lloyd, vice president and chief of staff
  • Sandy Pantlik, vice president, Marketing and Communications
  • Stephanie Reyes, San Marcos city manager
  • Gigi Secuban, special advisor to the president, chair of the 125th Task Force
  • Chase Stapp, San Marcos assistant city manager
  • Jeremy Stolfa, associate athletic director

With the presidential debate bringing national and international attention to TXST and the San Marcos area, the TXST Debate Planning Task Force was created to ensure the debate is a success while showcasing TXST, students and faculty, facilities, and the surrounding community.

Selected based on their areas of expertise and leadership portfolio, task force members will meet regularly and with sub-groups of key individuals beyond the task force to oversee a broad spectrum of efforts related to facilities and operations, security, student engagement, town and gown relations, and marketing and communications.

In addition to the one-day event, the task force will develop a comprehensive plan to integrate the debate into TXST’s 125th anniversary events and curricular and co-curricular activities on civic engagement and civil discourse.

Jack Martin ('73) will chair the TXST Presidential Debate Committee which will coordinate fundraising efforts related to the debate.

For more information about the debate, visit the TXST debate webpage.

For more information, contact University Communications at

For questions concerning the national debate, contact the Commission on Presidential Debates at